IndustryARC, in its latest report, predicts that Textile Machinery Market size is forecast to reach $33.2 billion by 2026, growing at a CAGR of 6.3% from 2021 to 2026. The growth of Textile Machinery market is attributed to the factors such as growing automation process, various government pol
Zurich - Global shipments of large diameter circular knitting machines were up by 30 per cent while flat knitting machines registered 109 per cent growth in 2021, figures that are as high or higher than pre-pandemic levels.
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When he was serving in Iraq as an Air Force emergency physician, Dr. Craig Goolsby saw some horrific injuries -- war wounds he could not imagine anyone surviving.
But many of his patients came in wearing tourniquets, simple band-and-bar contraptions put on by another soldier, sailor, Mar
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Karel Hirman, the newly nominated economy minister of Slovakia has his work cut out, as only days into his entry to top politics, the country’s Prime Minister has announced that wit
LINCOLN, Neb. (KLKN) — Officials with the Nebraska Corn Board and Nebraska Corn Growers Association say agriculture ranks among the most dangerous industries to work in.
Among farm workers, they say tractor turnovers are the leading cause of death while on the job.
As many farmer
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Monday marks the first test of how the first of the MBTA's three scheduled Green Line D Branch closures will affect commutes.
Construction was taking place over the weekend and shuttle buses will continue to trans
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Toronto-based studio mates Irma Kniivila and Tri Vuong have collaboratively created “Everyday Hero Machine Boy,” an effervescent and quirky new graphic novel published by Image and Skybound. Powerful robot “Machine Boy” crash lands onto a future-ish Earth, but it’
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A new business intelligence report released by JCMR with Textile Machine Lubricants Report has abilities to raise as the most significant market worldwide as it has remained playing a remarkable role in establishing progressive impacts on the universal economy. The Textile Machine Lu