Condemning the steep hike in the prices of yarn, members of Erode Cloth Merchants Association and other textile shops began their two-day strike here on Monday. | Photo Credit: M. GOVARTHAN
With the cotton and yarn prices going up, affecting the textile industry in Tamil Nadu, Chief Mi
Hand in hand, the women dance the kummi around a mortar and pestle, next to a large peepal tree. As they sing, two of them smash a coconut, scattering pieces everywhere. The singing and dancing are to celebrate the completion of a 45-day weaving programme at Appachi Eco Logic Cotton, in Pollac
WASHINGTON — As roughly 100,000 Russian troops amass around Ukraine, a series of emerging crises around the world — the Middle East, China, North Korea — are demanding the full attention of NATO, and particularly its most powerful member, the United States.
Now, there’s a growing
Rotor Spinning Machinery market, Rotor Spinning Machinery market SIZE, SHARE.
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Postcard Memories is a weekly series of historic postcard views and photos submitted by Marcel Rousseau.
Some were previously published by the Orillia Museum of Art and History and in the book Postcard Memories Orillia.
The Heywood Wakefield Company o
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Itema’s absolute best-seller, the R9500 is an unrivalled race horse when it comes to weaving technical fabrics, the company reports.
Innovation in Textiles | Colzate/Mumbai
Itema, the le
Jindal Stainless (Hisar) Ltd (JSHL) became the first integrated stainless steel manufacturing company in India producing coils, sheets and plates, and among the select few in the world, to get certified with AS 9100D Certification, a Quality Management System for Aviation, Space, and Defence O
This building at 612 17th Avenue was the site of the Brown Swiss Dairy owned by Ernest C. Waeffler, former Dean Products distributer.
The first old stone building first stood in a cornfield according to information from the late Willis Ludlow, and prior to a dairy, was used by the late E
The tiny species of communal orb-weaving spider Philoponella prominens has to abruptly retreat after mating with a female partner, or it will become its post-sex snack, literally.
P. prominens are social spiders that live in communities - up to 215 - to build connecting webs, according t
Saturday, May 28, 2022 | Last Update : 06:19 PM IST
Man’s tryst with machine began in the late 18th century Britain in the wake of the Industrial Revolution. One of the main industries that were transformed completely during this time was the textile industry. Prior to the advent o