The capital market was last updated on November 11, 2021 at 15:17 IST
Sales increased by 13.87% to 3.12 crore rupees
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"Staubli provides a full range of warp tying (knotting) solutions for each type of yarn. From very fine yarns to rovings to PPT tapes, Stäubli has perfect warp changing solutions. The newly developed TIEPRO Knotting The machine has many unique advantages. The new separation concept uses a spindl
Goodman Property’s regular series of articles discussing environmental sustainability and how New Zealand companies are working hard to achieve our goals.
Issues: waste, environmental impact, global warming and climate change. Expert: Bernadette Casey, sustainability consultant and co-fou
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Among the seven machines on display-together with special product highlights-are two new market launches.
Textile Innovation | Korzart
A9500-2 bed sheets. © Itema
Itema is Italy's leading suppli
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Neil Stephenson's "End Impact"
We started with the story of a private jet of the Queen of the Netherlands crash-landing on the runway in Waco, Texas, which immediately trigge
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The air in Houston is too hot to support the plane. Oh, considering that during take-off from Schiphol Airport, the Queen’s jet could have landed there, it has converted 10,000 k
The deliveries of new short-staple spindles, open-ended rotors and long-staple spindles fell by 48%, 27% and 46%, respectively. The number of stretch deformation spindles shipped has been reduced by 30%, and the delivery of shuttleless looms has been reduced by 16%. Shipments of flat knitting mac
Last year, the global textile machinery shipments declined in varying degrees in almost all areas.
According to the 43rd International Textile Machinery Shipment Statistics (ITMSS) data released by the International Textile Manufacturers Federation (ITMF), the global shipments of spinning,
Albon, Switzerland — April 28, 2021 — Saurer invites customers to learn about its latest automation solutions, including the expansion of the inside of the machine and the entire textile factory. The company is meeting the growing demand for cost-effective automation in spinning mills and twi